Checkers Game! is the game of checkers for your iPhone, iPad or Android, completely free to play with friends or alone against the computer with three difficulty levels. It is accessible with VoiceOver and TalkBack. It offers the ability to customize the graphics and rules of the game. With this app you can choose to play according to the rules of the English checkers, Italian checkers or Spanish checkers. Have fun to gain as many achievements as you can and be the first in the world rankings!

Checkers for Android Checkers for Android


App Storeで手に入れよう
  Google Play Storeで手に入れよう  

QR コード: スキャンしてチェッカーをダウンロード


  • iPhone および iPad でのアクセシビリティ:
    • VoiceOverに対応 (NSAccessibility)
  • Android でのアクセシビリティ:
    • TalkBackに対応 (AndroidAccessibility)